If all you're craving is a low histamine chicken recipe, then I've got just the one for you!
Sweet, savory, succulent, crispy....everything you could wish for all wrapped up into one piece of chicken. Yum!
Now let's face it...there are few things in life as good as a well cooked chicken. But, when you're histamine intolerant, it might be hard to find the right combination of flare, flavour and low histamine ingredients.
As always, I've got you covered.
Today I’ll teach you how to make a delicious low histamine chicken recipe that is sweet and savory and will satisfy your taste buds like no other.
Low Histamine Chicken Recipes: Common Issues
If you’re histamine intolerant and Googling up a storm searching for low histamine chicken recipes that won’t cause your symptoms to flare up, remember one thing…..
Leftover meats have increased levels of histamine-producing bacteria. The longer the chicken is stored, the higher the levels of histamine-producing bacteria it will possess.
So, one of the first steps in any low histamine chicken recipe is to ensure you are using the freshest chicken you can get.
This means straight from the fridge and as freshly packed as possible! Not something that's been packed several days ago.
An alternative to this is to freeze chicken right when you buy it, then thaw it the day you wish to use it. Freezing prevents the formation of histamine-producing bacteria to a massive degree, so you can have something that's almost as good as fresh histamine-wise, but done in an easier and more manageable way to suit your schedule.
This method avoids you having to go to the grocery store on the exact day of cooking meat which, let's face it, we really lead busy lives and can't be doing this every time we want to have some chicken in our lives.
If that helped to teach you something and if your current low histamine diet isn't specifying these things and including anti-inflammatory, mast-cell stabilizing foods that are also gut-healing, I recommend to download my comprehensive low histamine food list for more effective symptom relief.
Back to the strategy - there are two methods I use to implement this freezing option and ensure I’m keeping the histamine levels in my chicken low:
- Go straight to the butcher/supplier and buy large quantities of chicken the day their shipments arrive, which I then freeze to preserve low histamine levels.
- Ask your grocery store which days they get their chicken delivered, buy enough to last until their next arrival and freeze the meat immediately once you arrive home to preserve low histamine levels.
Make sure you always abide by the rules of freshness when it comes to histamine intolerance. Especially when cooking recipes that will commonly approve of using leftovers, such as soups and stews. For an example of a low histamine version, try my creamy coconut chicken soup which gives fab flavor but still uses fresh ingredients!
The next step in creating a great low histamine chicken recipe is, of course, the ingredients!
Low Histamine, High Nutrient Ingredients
Today, I’ve created a sweet and savory honey garlic low histamine chicken recipe that has a touch of rosemary to complement a classic favourite.
All of the ingredients in this recipe are low in histamine while containing nourishing fats to increase the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients while encouraging the release of bile to ease digestion.
Additionally, the garlic and rosemary can act to support bacterial populations within the gut, therefore contributing to a healthy intestinal microbiome - a key factor in histamine intolerance!
It’s notable that, as a nutritional scientist, I aim not to overdo it with the honey due to the high sugar content. Honey has some amazing benefits including for those with histamine intolerance, however, it's still important to consider that there is plenty of evidence suggesting a diet that's too high in sugar can promote a variety of issues such as blood sugar imbalances and bacterial imbalances.
Once again, this is discussing generally about high sugar diets - however, choosing nutritionally dense and unprocessed sweeteners, such as honey, also provide amazing benefits when used in moderation.
Overall, due to the high nutritional content of the ingredients, I treat myself to this low histamine honey garlic chicken recipe whenever I’m in the mood - but, I definitely try to avoid licking the honey spoon during the cooking process!
So, without further ado, here is your amazing honey garlic low histamine roast chicken recipe! Let me know how you liked it in the comments below!
Honey Garlic Low Histamine Roast Chicken Recipe
Ingredients (makes 6 servings)
- 6 skinless chicken thighs
- 1/2 cup honey
- 3 tbsp butter
- 2 tsp rosemary
- 1 1/2 tbsp garlic, minced
- salt & black pepper
- Preheat oven to 375°F.
- Heat butter in a pan over medium heat; stir in rosemary, garlic, salt and pepper; cook for 1 minute and then stir in honey.
- Bring to a light boil and then add chicken; lower heat and simmer for a few minutes, turning to coat well.
- Transfer the chicken to a baking pan and top with any remaining sauce.
- Bake for approximately 30 minutes or until chicken is cooked through.
Like this recipe? Try out my Low Histamine Cookbook Bundle with 170 nutritionist-approved recipes that cover everything from breakfast to dinner and dessert!

Anita Tee
My name is Anita Tee. I'm a nutritional scientist who specializes in histamine intolerance. I hold a Master of Science in Personalized Nutrition and a Bachelor of Science in Human Biology and Psychology.
For the past ten years, I have used my experience in nutritional and medical health sciences to create a scientifically backed, natural approach to healthcare that relies 100% on evidence-based research.
As I previously suffered from - and overcame - histamine intolerance, my focus is to increase recognition and expand the available resources and protocols available for resolving this particular disorder. To date, I have helped over 4,000 individuals fully resolve or better manage their histamine intolerance symptoms.