low histamine salad dressing recipe antihistamine

Herby Low Histamine Salad Dressing Recipe

Are you looking for a delicious low histamine salad dressing recipe?

Let's face it, most salad dressing recipes, even if they're homemade, contain ingredients that are pretty unfriendly to those with histamine intolerance. (Enter: vinegar).

And, if you're living an already busy life, like most of us are, the stabilizers, preservatives and colorants in store-bought salad dressing is a complete no-no if you want to remain as a functioning human being.

Thankfully, I've created a low histamine salad dressing recipe that's easy to make and will let you enjoy your raw veggies, once again!

Oh, and PS - if you're not into the raw veggies, or, are looking for an irresistible twist on a low histamine salad recipe, try out my warm roasted low histamine salad recipe.

Now, no matter which salad ingredients you've been missing, let me share with you why I chose these low histamine salad dressing ingredients and how they will benefit your histamine intolerance symptoms!

Low Histamine Salad Dressing: Ingredients Breakdown

As always, these ingredients weren't chosen at random. There's real science to back this stuff. Because, there's no guess work on my end when it comes to you and your symptoms.

Let's check out the evidence in support of each ingredient:

Olive oil: Most oils and fats are naturally low-histamine, however, extra virgin olive oil is an excellent option for this recipe, specifically because it has a low smoke point, meaning that if heated for cooking purposes, it will go rancid, making it the perfect oil for salads as it's consumed without heating. Additionally, let's not forget that our good friend EVOO has shown to naturally boost diamine oxidase, a histamine degrading enzyme, by up to 500%! This stat is actually incredible, because diamine oxidase enzymes are commonly found to be low in those with histamine intolerance, and typically contribute to the development of high histamine symptoms.

Apple cider vinegar: Although vinegars are high-histamine and definitely a “no-no”, apple cider vinegar (ACV) is usually tolerated by most with histamine intolerance, simply because of its healthy gut-promoting properties, such as probiotics and enzymes. ACV has been shown to be extremely healing, anti-inflammatory, an aid in weight-loss, and actually a preventative for seasonal allergies, as it may boost immunity. Keep in mind, if you're nervous to try out ACV or you simply know that you're highly sensitive, I've included a variation below.

A universal vinegar alternative (for the ACV intolerant): In some cases, if ACV is not tolerated, ascorbic acid and water is an excellent alternative for any vinegar, in any recipe. Using a ratio of 12:1 water:ascorbic acid powder is ideal. You can certainly choose to use this alternative and follow the rest of the recipe as normal!

Maple syrup/raw honey: While processed sugars and artificial sweeteners are not promoted on low-histamine or gut-healing regimes, maple syrup and raw, local honey are two sweeteners that are all natural and totally accepted, simply because they are the best tolerated. Raw, local honey has actually been shown to reduce the symptoms of hay fever and histamine allergies. And, as for the maple syrup...well, I'm Canadian so it's hard to get me to say a bad word about maple syrup.

Himalayan salt: The unprocessed, Himalayan salt I use in this low histamine salad dressing recipe is - of course - low in histamine and actually beneficial for the body. Unprocessed, free of colorants and providing a healthy dose of sodium (which, most people seem to be afraid of in the same way we think fatty foods are the devil). Sodium is one of the most necessary elements for our body to function - and, in combination with potassium, it allows for functioning of our sodium-potassium pumps which are essential to mammalian life. Basically, what I'm saying is, don't be afraid of salt - as I repeatedly mention, everything in moderation is the key to a healthy body and happy life.

Garlic & onion (keep it fresh!): Fresh is best when it comes to seasonings on a low-histamine regime, so keeping fresh herbs and spices in this recipe, including fresh garlic and onion (instead of garlic and onion powder) will give the best result. Onion also contains inulin, a prebiotic that has shown to balance gut bacteria and hormones while promoting weight regulation (for the over and underweight). Garlic contains a compound called allicin, which is effective against pathogenic bacteria and can assist with balancing and promoting a healthy gut microbiome.

Herbs (get creative!): Lastly, fresh herbs, such as thyme, have antihistamine properties, which make them the perfect addition to recipes like this. Get creative and toss in your fav herbs and spices. If you want to know exactly which herbs and spices are great for histamine intolerance (and, which to avoid), check out my histamine intolerance food list! Any 'allowed' herbs on a low histamine diet can make a really great addition as they are all truly powerful when it comes to their health boosting qualities! 

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Overall, one of the things I love most about this low histamine salad dressing recipe is that it is customizable. You can essentially use this recipe as a base to create all types of oil-based dressings with a variety of flavors. You can add different herbs to each one for completely different tastes and to complement different salad ingredients. 

I've made several suggestions for herbs below, but please feel free to mix and match! I love to go heavy on the dill when I'm having a side salad with my fish. On the other hand, I prefer a mix of rosemary and oregano when I'm opting for red meats, and I absolutely love to throw in a bunch of parsley when I'm opting for Mediterranean food. 

This will give you a few ideas to start with, but once again you can make several dressings and bookmark this recipe for a go-to dressing that suits every meal. 

Herby Low Histamine Salad Dressing Recipe


  • ¾ cup Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
  • 2 tbsp. Fresh herbs of choice (rosemary, thyme, sage, oregano, basil, parsley, dill), minced
  • ¼ c. Apple Cider Vinegar or 12:1 water:ascorbic acid powder (ACV is the only vinegar commonly tolerated by those with histamine intolerance - omit if you are unsure of tolerance or replace with ascorbic acid powder)
  • 1 tbsp. Maple syrup/raw, local honey
  • 1 tbsp. Minced garlic
  • ½ tbsp. Minced onion
  • 2 tsp. Himalayan sea salt


  1. Place all ingredients together in a mixing bowl, except for EVOO, and begin whisking.
  2. Whilst whisking, slowly drizzle in EVOO, so that the dressing slightly thickens.
  3. Toss with your favourite salad and enjoy! If you're looking for a delicious low histamine salad recipe that pairs perfectly with this dressing, try out my roasted low histamine salad recipe.

Let me know how you enjoyed this recipe and what creative combo of herbs and spices you used. Comment below!

Want more low histamine recipes like this? Check out my nutritionist-approved Low Histamine Cookbook with 110 delicious histamine intolerance recipes!

Get the Cookbook!

Put your health in nature's hands.
Anita Tee, Nutritional Scientist


1. Balch PA. Prescription for Nutritional Healing. 4th ed. Avery, editor. London: Penguin Group; 2006. 980 p.

2. Ede G. Histamine Intolerance: why freshness matters. J Evol Heal. 2017;2(1):11.

3. Hoffman BD. What is Mast Cell Activation Syndrome ? Hoffman Centre for Integrative and Functional Medicine. 2017.

4. Maintz L, Novak N. Histamine and histamine intolerance. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007;85(5):1185–96.

5. Stockinger, B., Meglio, P., Gialitakis, M. and Duarte, J. (2014). The Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor: Multitasking in the Immune System. Annual Review of Immunology, 32(1), pp.403-432.

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Anita Tee

My name is Anita Tee. I'm a nutritional scientist who specializes in histamine intolerance. I hold a Master of Science in Personalized Nutrition and a Bachelor of Science in Human Biology and Psychology.For the past ten years, I have used my experience in nutritional and medical health sciences to create a scientifically backed, natural approach to healthcare that relies 100% on evidence-based research.As I previously suffered from - and overcame - histamine intolerance, my focus is to increase recognition and expand the available resources and protocols available for resolving this particular disorder. To date, I have helped over 4,000 individuals fully resolve or better manage their histamine intolerance symptoms.

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